Speedwriting poetry

In today’s lesson we looked at writing our own poems. The students were given prompts for each line and then they used this information to create a poem. This is going to be presented neatly with images and displayed in the classroom wall to celebrate their efforts. There are some pictures below showing all the students working hard!

As you can see, a couple of the students are using their phones to translate words from their own language to English and vice versa.

Next lesson we are going to make a simile quilt using fabric and acrylic paint – should be great fun!





WOW day at CAB! Cross curricular English, Modern Foreign Languages and Catering

On Wednesday 20th November 2013 year 7 worked with their English teachers to launch a restaurant. In the morning we did some cooking, then after we designed a restaurant concept and a menu. In the afternoon the English groups served each other their food which was tasty!

The group from each English class with the best presentation took part in Dragon’s Den. Mr Lock, Miss De Luca and Miss Hayes were our dragons. Look at the pictures below!



